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The library contains only critical styles to layout the modals container and modal content. It can be easily customized using custom css.

HTML tree

<div class="o-modals">
  <div class="o-modal">
  <div class="o-modal is-active">

  <div class="o-modals-bg"></div>


Modals is root elements that holds entire modal tree.

You can for example change duration of all animations on this element or change its z-index if modals are being overlay-ed by other elements.

.o-modals {
  --o-transition-duration: .6s;

  &.v-leave-to {
    transition: opacity var(--o-transition-duration);
    // animation


Background is an element that covers entire screen so the content of the page does not interrupt you when modal is displayed. You can change its color or filters.

.o-modals {
  .o-modals-bg {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
    backdrop-filter: blur(10px);


Modal is a wrapper element that holds your modal component.

You could for example add extra padding, so the content of modal never touches edge of window.

.o-modal {
  padding: 16px;

  &.v-leave-to {
    transition: opacity var(--o-transition-duration);
    // animation