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Modals Container

Modals Container component displays all opened modals. It should be used only once in your root or layout component.


Modals won't be displayed if this component is not registered in your Vue app.


The best place to add it is your main App.vue file.

When using Nuxt you can add it to app.vue or a layout in layouts folder.


It is strongly recommended to set content element. When a modal is displayed the content element will be disabled and won't interrupt user actions by setting inert attribute.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { OModalsContainer } from '@outloud/vue-modals'
import { useModals } from '@outloud/vue-modals's

const modals = useModals()

// create ref for content element
const $content = ref<HTMLElement>()

// pass this ref to modals
// when modal is displayed an inert attribute is added to this element
modals.content = $content


    <!-- add ref to element -->
    <main ref="$content">
      <!-- RouterView or NuxtLayout -->

    <!-- add Modals Container component -->
    <OModalsContainer />