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Show modal

    <Preview />
    <OModalsContainer />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { OModalsContainer } from '@outloud/vue-modals'
import Preview from './Preview.vue'

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Wait to close

When opening a modal, a promise will be returned, which can be awaited until the modal is closed.

    <Preview />
    <OModalsContainer />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { OModalsContainer } from '@outloud/vue-modals'
import Preview from './Preview.vue'

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Return payload

You can return any payload when closing a modal. If you close modal by clicking on background or pressing Esc an undefined value will be returned.

    <Preview />
    <OModalsContainer />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { OModalsContainer } from '@outloud/vue-modals'
import Preview from './Preview.vue'

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Using listeners

When opening a modals you can provide listeners that will be called when components emits an event.

    <Preview />
    <OModalsContainer />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { OModalsContainer } from '@outloud/vue-modals'
import Preview from './Preview.vue'

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Fetching data

Sometimes you might need to load extra data before displaying the modal. There is an option for that.

    <Preview />
    <OModalsContainer />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { OModalsContainer } from '@outloud/vue-modals'
import Preview from './Preview.vue'

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Modals are often used when displaying confirm action. There is a utility method that makes it easier.

    <Preview />
    <OModalsContainer />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { OModalsContainer } from '@outloud/vue-modals'
import Preview from './Preview.vue'

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